The Subtle Rise of Pride
Hezekiah was one of the most righteous kings of Judah. He restored worship at the temple and held a Passover feast according to the law of Moses. He removed the pagan altars and idols in the land. He cried out to God when they needed to be saved from the Assyrian army, and the Lord answered. However, he was still susceptible to having pride rise in his heart in a subtle way, so that he did not notice it, until it was there. Then, he had to repent of it and lead the people to repent of it, so God could remove His wrath from the country. (II Chronicles 32:26) I am so thankful that Hezekiah was willing to humble himself, and confess his pride to the Lord in repentance. I pray we will be willing to do the same thing when pride rises in our hearts.
Pride does not have to come from rebelling against God. It can quietly rise in our hearts while we do what God has called us to do. We can begin to think we are special for serving the Lord and being obedient to His laws. This type of pride is just was destructive, because God looks at our hearts. If He does not find true humility, then, there is pride that has subtly taken over a place in our hearts. God hates pride, no matter where it comes from. I pray that we will all search our hearts, and ask the Spirit to search our hearts to see if there is any pride there from which we need to repent, so God can bless us, instead of sending His wrath on us.
Tomorrow, I intend to read II Chronicles 33-35.
Pride does not have to come from rebelling against God. It can quietly rise in our hearts while we do what God has called us to do. We can begin to think we are special for serving the Lord and being obedient to His laws. This type of pride is just was destructive, because God looks at our hearts. If He does not find true humility, then, there is pride that has subtly taken over a place in our hearts. God hates pride, no matter where it comes from. I pray that we will all search our hearts, and ask the Spirit to search our hearts to see if there is any pride there from which we need to repent, so God can bless us, instead of sending His wrath on us.
Tomorrow, I intend to read II Chronicles 33-35.