Forsaking the Lord
Many people want to be independent from the Lord and other people. They want to do whatever they desire to do. They believe this will bring the good life. However, it causes them not to be able to truly prosper, because whoever breaks the commandments of the Lord and forsakes Him, the Lord will forsake that person. (II Chronicles 24:20) That was the way it was in the times of the kings of Judah, and it is still the same today.
Prosperity does not come from money or fame. We prosper when we are right with God, and He blesses us with His supernatural blessings. We think that going our own way is good for us. However, we can't go our way and God's way at the same time. We have to deny ourselves take up our Cross daily and follow Him. (Luke 9:23) If we go our way, we are forsaking in the Lord. He has no obligation to follow us. Since He is Lord, we are to follow Him. Therefore, when we forsake Him to go our way, He forsakes us. He simply says, "You can go your way, but I am not going that way." He does not leave us, so much as we leave Him. This is the tragedy of living a life without the Lord and without His blessings. It all begins with the desire to do things our way, but in reality, we forsake God.
Tomorrow, I intend to read II Chronicles 25-28.
Prosperity does not come from money or fame. We prosper when we are right with God, and He blesses us with His supernatural blessings. We think that going our own way is good for us. However, we can't go our way and God's way at the same time. We have to deny ourselves take up our Cross daily and follow Him. (Luke 9:23) If we go our way, we are forsaking in the Lord. He has no obligation to follow us. Since He is Lord, we are to follow Him. Therefore, when we forsake Him to go our way, He forsakes us. He simply says, "You can go your way, but I am not going that way." He does not leave us, so much as we leave Him. This is the tragedy of living a life without the Lord and without His blessings. It all begins with the desire to do things our way, but in reality, we forsake God.
Tomorrow, I intend to read II Chronicles 25-28.