A Time like Our Time
The time of the judges in Israel was the darkest period of the history of God's people. It is hard to describe the depths of sin to which they sank as a people. We might wonder how that happened. Well, the Bible tells us why. Everyone did what was right in his own eyes. (Judges 17:6) Does that sound familiar? It should.
There was no king in Israel, so there was no direction for the people. Each tribe did what they wanted, and each person did the same. This degenerated into idolatry and terrible immorality, which the book of Judges documents for all to read. When people fail to follow the Word of God and His commands, there is no standard to follow. When there is no moral leadership to give an example of how to live, people leave the truth and go every direction possible seeking happiness and fulfillment.
We live in such a time today in America. Everyone does what is right in his own eyes. There is no absolute truth, and people have rejected King Jesus. Therefore, we are in the midst of every kind of idolatry and immorality. We can learn from the account of Judges that it will only get worse and worse, until we have leadership which will turn us back to the absolute truth of God's Word and the kingship of Jesus Christ. Therefore, we must pray for such an awakening in America or our country will self destruct from within.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Judges 20-21 and Ruth 1-2.
There was no king in Israel, so there was no direction for the people. Each tribe did what they wanted, and each person did the same. This degenerated into idolatry and terrible immorality, which the book of Judges documents for all to read. When people fail to follow the Word of God and His commands, there is no standard to follow. When there is no moral leadership to give an example of how to live, people leave the truth and go every direction possible seeking happiness and fulfillment.
We live in such a time today in America. Everyone does what is right in his own eyes. There is no absolute truth, and people have rejected King Jesus. Therefore, we are in the midst of every kind of idolatry and immorality. We can learn from the account of Judges that it will only get worse and worse, until we have leadership which will turn us back to the absolute truth of God's Word and the kingship of Jesus Christ. Therefore, we must pray for such an awakening in America or our country will self destruct from within.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Judges 20-21 and Ruth 1-2.