Now to Him Who is Able to Keep You
Most people have a false view of salvation. They think that as long as they hold on to God, they will be fine. That is salvation by works or human effort. The Bible does not teach salvation by works, but salvation by grace through faith. Therefore, we should know that once we trust Christ, God saves us, and He also keeps us from stumbling, so He can present us faultless before the presence of God with exceeding joy. (Jude 24,25) What a wise and wonderful God we serve. To Him be all glory, majesty, dominion, and power, both now and forever. Amen.
Growing up, I attended Peachcrest Baptist Church in Decatur Georgia. Our pastor, Rev. J. C. Arwood was a Bible scholar and a good preacher of the gospel. Often, he would end the worship service by reciting this doxology from the end of the book of Jude. I was so blessed to be raised in a Bible believing church, and to be saved because of the teaching and preaching I heard. I can honestly say that I never thought that I could work for my salvation. I knew it was by grace. It was God's free gift to me and to all who would turn to Jesus in faith. I pray that you can look back on your salvation experience with joy. If you can, then use this doxology to exalt Him. If not, please trust Jesus as Lord today, so you, too, can be secure in the arms of God.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Revelation 1-2.
Growing up, I attended Peachcrest Baptist Church in Decatur Georgia. Our pastor, Rev. J. C. Arwood was a Bible scholar and a good preacher of the gospel. Often, he would end the worship service by reciting this doxology from the end of the book of Jude. I was so blessed to be raised in a Bible believing church, and to be saved because of the teaching and preaching I heard. I can honestly say that I never thought that I could work for my salvation. I knew it was by grace. It was God's free gift to me and to all who would turn to Jesus in faith. I pray that you can look back on your salvation experience with joy. If you can, then use this doxology to exalt Him. If not, please trust Jesus as Lord today, so you, too, can be secure in the arms of God.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Revelation 1-2.