He will Abundantly Pardon
People have the wrong impression of God and His forgiveness. I have met people who felt they had sinned too much for God to forgive them. Others thought they could never do enough to earn His pardon. All of these people fell prey to the lies of the devil to keep them from knowing the Lord and His mercy. The Bible is very clear that if we turn from our sins and return to the Lord, He will always show us mercy and abundantly pardon us. (Isaiah 55:6,7)
Some people are afraid of God or they just wait too long to seek the Lord's forgiveness. We must do it now, while there is still time. We never know when we will pass from this life to the next. Once we leave this world, it is eternally too late to turn from our sins and trust the Lord to save us. Please, don't let anyone talk you out of turning to the Lord once and for all.
Just consider this. What have your ways and your thoughts brought you in this life? If you were going only on your own reasoning and emotions, I am sure you have made many mistakes and misjudgments that have cost you dearly. However, if you turn from your ways and thoughts, so that you turn to the Lord to show you His ways and thoughts, your life can be completely different. It is not that you will not have problems. Problems are a part of life. The difference is that you will know what to do and what to think about your problems, so that you will end up doing the right things much more of the time. That brings much happiness and satisfaction.
That is only a small part of it, though. If you forsake your way and your thoughts, turning to the Lord in faith, you will have an eternity with the Lord in heaven. That is why we are alive in the first place. God created us for relationship with Him, since He is love. He wants an eternal relationship with all of us, but it only comes from repentance and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Please, know that He will abundantly pardon your sins, if you will forsake all and follow Him. (Luke 9:23)
Tomorrow, I intend to read Isaiah 56-58.
Some people are afraid of God or they just wait too long to seek the Lord's forgiveness. We must do it now, while there is still time. We never know when we will pass from this life to the next. Once we leave this world, it is eternally too late to turn from our sins and trust the Lord to save us. Please, don't let anyone talk you out of turning to the Lord once and for all.
Just consider this. What have your ways and your thoughts brought you in this life? If you were going only on your own reasoning and emotions, I am sure you have made many mistakes and misjudgments that have cost you dearly. However, if you turn from your ways and thoughts, so that you turn to the Lord to show you His ways and thoughts, your life can be completely different. It is not that you will not have problems. Problems are a part of life. The difference is that you will know what to do and what to think about your problems, so that you will end up doing the right things much more of the time. That brings much happiness and satisfaction.
That is only a small part of it, though. If you forsake your way and your thoughts, turning to the Lord in faith, you will have an eternity with the Lord in heaven. That is why we are alive in the first place. God created us for relationship with Him, since He is love. He wants an eternal relationship with all of us, but it only comes from repentance and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Please, know that He will abundantly pardon your sins, if you will forsake all and follow Him. (Luke 9:23)
Tomorrow, I intend to read Isaiah 56-58.