Accepting the Good and the Bad
God showed Satan that Job was still faithful after losing his children and possessions. This prompted Satan to say that if he lost his health, Job would stop trusting God. Therefore, God allowed Satan to take away Job's health, but he could not take his life. Satan struck Job with painful, puss oozing boils all over his body, so that Job suffered greatly. His wife was amazed that he still trusted God, and she told her husband to "Curse God and die." However, Job corrected her with much wisdom.(Job 2:9,10) We all need to consider his reply to his wife.
Job told his wife that she was speaking like a foolish woman by saying that to him, because we like to accept good from God, so why would we not accept the adversity, too? Do you see the logic? If God sends good to us, it is because He knows the good will help us. If He sends adversity to us, He sends it because He knows it will help us, too. It goes back to trusting the Goodness and Love of God, but it is also a case of being consistent. We can't agree with God when it benefits us and disagree with God when we feel it will hurt us. We must consistently accept what He sends us, and keep trusting in Him. That is exactly what Job did.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Job 5-8
Job told his wife that she was speaking like a foolish woman by saying that to him, because we like to accept good from God, so why would we not accept the adversity, too? Do you see the logic? If God sends good to us, it is because He knows the good will help us. If He sends adversity to us, He sends it because He knows it will help us, too. It goes back to trusting the Goodness and Love of God, but it is also a case of being consistent. We can't agree with God when it benefits us and disagree with God when we feel it will hurt us. We must consistently accept what He sends us, and keep trusting in Him. That is exactly what Job did.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Job 5-8