One + God = Enough
Whenever God fights for us, we will win. God has promised to fight for those who know Him when we are doing His will.(Joshua 23:10) Joshua taught this principle to Israel, so they could remember it after he was gone. We need to learn it and live by it every day, too.
What challenges are you facing? You may feel powerless against an enemy or against a multitude of enemies. However, that is not the case, if God is on your side. With God you can overcome 10,000 who would come against you. Don't fear and be hopeless! God is able.
The key is to make sure we are in the center of His will and following His instructions for our lives. God had commanded Israel to conquer Canaan. As long as they were trusting God in that conquest, He would fight for them, and they would win. The same is true for us. If we are doing what God has led us to do, then, He is right with us, fighting against whoever and whatever comes our way. He will not leave us or forsake us. That is how one person plus God can accomplish great things. Please, do not be discouraged or defeated. Go with God and let Him fight for you.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Joshua 24 and Judges 1-3.
What challenges are you facing? You may feel powerless against an enemy or against a multitude of enemies. However, that is not the case, if God is on your side. With God you can overcome 10,000 who would come against you. Don't fear and be hopeless! God is able.
The key is to make sure we are in the center of His will and following His instructions for our lives. God had commanded Israel to conquer Canaan. As long as they were trusting God in that conquest, He would fight for them, and they would win. The same is true for us. If we are doing what God has led us to do, then, He is right with us, fighting against whoever and whatever comes our way. He will not leave us or forsake us. That is how one person plus God can accomplish great things. Please, do not be discouraged or defeated. Go with God and let Him fight for you.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Joshua 24 and Judges 1-3.