Claiming Glory For Ourselves
God will not share His glory with anyone, not because He is proud, but because He rightly deserves all of the glory. He is the Creator and Sustainer of all things, so without Him none of us could do anything. Therefore, any time we take glory for anything, we are giving people the impression that God's glory is limited and that we can do something to deserve glory. The Lord taught Gideon this lesson when He made him whittle down the army to 300 men before giving them the victory over the Midianites.(Judges 7:2) I pray that we all know this important lesson.
Pride keeps us from worshiping God and giving Him the glory He deserves. We can actually deceive ourselves to think that we accomplished something by ourselves and that we deserve the credit. This one belief is so destructive, because it leads us away from God. Even if we think He gave us part of the ability, and we give Him some credit, we fail to live "by grace through faith." In order to fully live like Jesus, we must depend on God completely for everything, and we must acknowledge that He is the Source of all we are and all we have. Then, we have a proper view of God and of us.
Remember, our weakness makes us strong, when we trust Him, and He supplies all we need. Our strength can make us weak, when we try to do things in our own power and take credit for what we do.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Judges 8-10.
Pride keeps us from worshiping God and giving Him the glory He deserves. We can actually deceive ourselves to think that we accomplished something by ourselves and that we deserve the credit. This one belief is so destructive, because it leads us away from God. Even if we think He gave us part of the ability, and we give Him some credit, we fail to live "by grace through faith." In order to fully live like Jesus, we must depend on God completely for everything, and we must acknowledge that He is the Source of all we are and all we have. Then, we have a proper view of God and of us.
Remember, our weakness makes us strong, when we trust Him, and He supplies all we need. Our strength can make us weak, when we try to do things in our own power and take credit for what we do.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Judges 8-10.