Why Be Afraid?

Fear of man and the things of this life will stop us from doing the right thing, and it will lead us to do the wrong thing. God only wants us to fear Him, but nothing else. Once we know the Lord, we should not be afraid.(Psalm 46:1,2) No matter what, He is there for us, and He can take care of anything that happens. Let me explain.

God is our refuge. We can run to Him for protection. At times, He protects us from the evil around us by shielding us from it. Satan and His forces are not able to get to us, because we are in the fortress of the Lord. Job had a "hedge" around him, so that nothing could harm him and his family. God is wonderful in His protection.

God is our strength. At other times, He gives us the power to overcome the enemy or obstacle in our way. His strength is perfect. Remember the whole armor of God in Ephesians 6. That is a great way to remember all of the things God has given us, so that no enemy can defeat us. However, we must wear it all of the time and use it well.

God knows the situation we face in our lives, our country, and our world. Nothing takes Him by surprise. If there is a huge earthquake today, He is prepared, and He will care for His children. The same is true for upheaval in our government or economy. He will either protect us from it, or give us the strength to overcome it. Always remember that the ultimate deliverance is going to heaven. I know you may not want to hear that, but "to live is Christ and to die is gain."(Philippians 1:21) As believers, we should never fear death. It is the ultimate victory and deliverance from all evil.

See what I mean? Why be afraid? Well, OK be afraid if you don't know the Lord, and run to Him right now.

Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 47-49.

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