Whatever the Lord Says, that I will Speak
Micaiah, the prophet, knew what to do. Whatever the Lord said to him, that is what he would speak.(I Kings 22:14) That is what prophets were supposed to do. However, it was easy to depart from saying only what God told them, if the king or other people wanted something different or creative. A person can't be a true prophet and a people-pleaser at the same time.
A pastor is a prophet when he speaks forth God's Word, because that is what the word "prophet" means. We should only speak what God says to us, not what we want or what the people want. I heard Dr. John MacArthur put it well one time. He said that being a preacher is like being the waiter, not the chef. It is not up to us to cook up the message and put a lot of nice things in there so people will like it. It is up to us to receive it from the Lord and get it to the table without messing it up. That is what I pray that I am able to do each time I am privileged to speak forth God's Word.
Tomorrow, I intend to read II Kings 2-4.
A pastor is a prophet when he speaks forth God's Word, because that is what the word "prophet" means. We should only speak what God says to us, not what we want or what the people want. I heard Dr. John MacArthur put it well one time. He said that being a preacher is like being the waiter, not the chef. It is not up to us to cook up the message and put a lot of nice things in there so people will like it. It is up to us to receive it from the Lord and get it to the table without messing it up. That is what I pray that I am able to do each time I am privileged to speak forth God's Word.
Tomorrow, I intend to read II Kings 2-4.