Seeing God's Will Accomplished
God uses all types of means to accomplish His will. Once God makes His will known to us, we must listen to Him, so that we accomplish His will in His way, not our way. David learned this lesson in becoming king of Israel.(I Chronicles 11:10) He was anointed king by Samuel long before he took the throne. King Saul was trying to kill him a lot of this time, so God provided a group of "Mighty Men" around David. They grew strong with him, and they were very instrumental in David becoming king. That was God's way of making David king.
What is God doing in your life? If He has shown you what He wants you to do, are you just waiting for it to happen, or are you trusting God each step of the way to do what He tells you to do? I believe if you are just sitting back waiting for it to happen, you will miss His will. However, if you are driving ahead in your own power and in your own way to do His will, you will miss it, too. God's way of accomplishing His will is to do it in relationship with us and others. That way we have to follow Him each step of the way, noticing all of the people He sends to help us along the way. Then, we see His plan unfold, until the thing He showed us in the beginning comes to pass.
Let's all stop for a minute today to reflect on God's will for us. Let's stop and see if God has gathered some "mighty men or women" around us to help that happen. Let's grow together and follow Him together, so we can see His perfect will done. That way He gets all of the praise and glory. He deserves it.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I Chronicles 12-15.
What is God doing in your life? If He has shown you what He wants you to do, are you just waiting for it to happen, or are you trusting God each step of the way to do what He tells you to do? I believe if you are just sitting back waiting for it to happen, you will miss His will. However, if you are driving ahead in your own power and in your own way to do His will, you will miss it, too. God's way of accomplishing His will is to do it in relationship with us and others. That way we have to follow Him each step of the way, noticing all of the people He sends to help us along the way. Then, we see His plan unfold, until the thing He showed us in the beginning comes to pass.
Let's all stop for a minute today to reflect on God's will for us. Let's stop and see if God has gathered some "mighty men or women" around us to help that happen. Let's grow together and follow Him together, so we can see His perfect will done. That way He gets all of the praise and glory. He deserves it.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I Chronicles 12-15.