Science and the Bible
Science does not disprove the Bible. When we use science in an objective way to find the truth, we find that it supports the Bible, and the Bible supports what we find by using science. I Chronicles 1:19 is a great example of this. Peleg lived in the time when the earth was "divided." That doesn't mean they people of the earth were divided, but the land masses of the earth were divided. Of course, that means before his time all of the land masses were joined together. Isn't that amazing? I think it is. Let me explain.
Many people have trouble believing the story of Noah. They doubt that God could have collected all of the animals to go on the ark. However, it was very possible, since all of the land was connected, and it took a long time to complete the ark. Then, after the animals and Noah's family got on the ark, God flooded the earth by "opening the fountains of the deep," and by having it to rain. The water that came up from the earth came through cracks in the earth's crust. That is why there was enough water to cover all of the mountains. However, this started the process of dividing the land masses on the earth. Science teaches us that the earth's crust is in broken into huge plates that move along these cracks. We call them faults. It is the science of Plate Tectonics. With all of the water coming up in the time of the flood, the plates began to move farther and farther until the different continents were formed and moved to their present locations. It did not take that long because the flood was such a drastic event with the release of all of that water below the surface. Therefore, it was huge news in Eber's day. Earthquakes were rumbling everywhere along those faults, and the land was moving, so he named his son "Division" or Peleg.
This shows how science and the Bible work together to show us the truth, when we understand them correctly.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I Chronicles 3-5.
Many people have trouble believing the story of Noah. They doubt that God could have collected all of the animals to go on the ark. However, it was very possible, since all of the land was connected, and it took a long time to complete the ark. Then, after the animals and Noah's family got on the ark, God flooded the earth by "opening the fountains of the deep," and by having it to rain. The water that came up from the earth came through cracks in the earth's crust. That is why there was enough water to cover all of the mountains. However, this started the process of dividing the land masses on the earth. Science teaches us that the earth's crust is in broken into huge plates that move along these cracks. We call them faults. It is the science of Plate Tectonics. With all of the water coming up in the time of the flood, the plates began to move farther and farther until the different continents were formed and moved to their present locations. It did not take that long because the flood was such a drastic event with the release of all of that water below the surface. Therefore, it was huge news in Eber's day. Earthquakes were rumbling everywhere along those faults, and the land was moving, so he named his son "Division" or Peleg.
This shows how science and the Bible work together to show us the truth, when we understand them correctly.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I Chronicles 3-5.