God Guarantees It
I would say God is pretty reliable and powerful, wouldn't you? I hope you know Him that well. If not, let me show you a promise He made to us, as believers.(Galatians 5:16) We will not fulfill the strong desires of the flesh, the human nature, if we are walking in the Spirit. It won't happen. We have to stop listening to the Spirit and allowing the Spirit to direct us and empower us before we can decide to follow the desires of the flesh. We have the choice, but we can choose to live in the power of the Spirit and overcome the flesh. Have you come to realize this yet?
It all starts with trusting Christ as Lord of our lives. Then, the Spirit comes to live in us. He is there to lead us into all truth. He is there to convict us of sin, righteousness, and judgment. He is there with the same power that raised Jesus from the dead. I won't give you the references, but you can look up all of those truths. Therefore, if we allow Him to control us, fill us, and lead us, each day, we have the ability to do God's will and not do what the flesh wants us do do. It is vital for us to know that this is possible, or we won't even try. If we don't try to walk in the Spirit, we will fail miserably.
Living in the Spirit is not just stopping from committing sins, it is doing the right things. We must hate sin and love righteousness. We must allow the Spirit to guide us all of the way. That is where the rub comes in. If we just want the Spirit to help us with certain things, but not with others, we will fail. Sin will enter when we want to get our way and not fully follow the Lord. You have to decide.
The great thing is that it is true. I have found it to be the case in my life. God is able, and when I walk in the Spirit, I do not fulfill the lusts of the flesh in any way. What a blessing! That is the greatest life possible for me or for anyone. That is why we need to keep Galatians 5:16 all of the time.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Galatians 6 and Ephesians 1-2.
It all starts with trusting Christ as Lord of our lives. Then, the Spirit comes to live in us. He is there to lead us into all truth. He is there to convict us of sin, righteousness, and judgment. He is there with the same power that raised Jesus from the dead. I won't give you the references, but you can look up all of those truths. Therefore, if we allow Him to control us, fill us, and lead us, each day, we have the ability to do God's will and not do what the flesh wants us do do. It is vital for us to know that this is possible, or we won't even try. If we don't try to walk in the Spirit, we will fail miserably.
Living in the Spirit is not just stopping from committing sins, it is doing the right things. We must hate sin and love righteousness. We must allow the Spirit to guide us all of the way. That is where the rub comes in. If we just want the Spirit to help us with certain things, but not with others, we will fail. Sin will enter when we want to get our way and not fully follow the Lord. You have to decide.
The great thing is that it is true. I have found it to be the case in my life. God is able, and when I walk in the Spirit, I do not fulfill the lusts of the flesh in any way. What a blessing! That is the greatest life possible for me or for anyone. That is why we need to keep Galatians 5:16 all of the time.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Galatians 6 and Ephesians 1-2.