In the Latter Days
Ezekiel 38 and 39 contain the prophecy about a huge war that will be fought against Israel, in which the Lord will intervene to save the people of Israel and show the whole world that He is Lord.(Ezekiel 38:16) This conflict will come in the latter days, the days right before the end of time as we know it. It seems to me that events like we are hearing about in the Middle East could lead to this conflict, because it will involve Russia, Iran, Egypt, and Libya, as well as other countries coming against Israel.
No one knows when Christ will return to receive His church in the Rapture event. However, this battle seems to be a factor leading up to that time. It will be a factor in Israel turning to Christ as Lord and Savior, too.(Romans 11:25,26) The Lord is going to do everything necessary to show the entire world that He is in control, since He is the Lord. Our part in this is to be ready by knowing Him in a personal relationship with Christ, and to share the way to Christ with other people. I pray that all of us will be ready, no matter what happens for the rest of our lives on earth. Knowing Him is the greatest thing in life. He is our life. Then, to know Him is to be with Him in heaven for eternity.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Ezekiel 42-45.
No one knows when Christ will return to receive His church in the Rapture event. However, this battle seems to be a factor leading up to that time. It will be a factor in Israel turning to Christ as Lord and Savior, too.(Romans 11:25,26) The Lord is going to do everything necessary to show the entire world that He is in control, since He is the Lord. Our part in this is to be ready by knowing Him in a personal relationship with Christ, and to share the way to Christ with other people. I pray that all of us will be ready, no matter what happens for the rest of our lives on earth. Knowing Him is the greatest thing in life. He is our life. Then, to know Him is to be with Him in heaven for eternity.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Ezekiel 42-45.