I Found No One
God spoke to Ezekiel in the midst of the downfall of Jerusalem. He showed him all of the evils committed by His people. He sent Ezekiel to show the people their abominations. Then, the Lord told Ezekiel that He sought for a man among the people to make a wall and stand in the gap to stem the tide of evil, but He found no one.(Ezekiel 22:30) Because He found no one, He went ahead and allowed the total destruction of Jerusalem and the exile of the people who were not killed. What a haunting verse!
Is God seeking for a person to build a wall against evil today? Is He seeking someone to stand in the gap, to go against the flow? I think He is. Will He find one, or will we be destroyed, too?
Tomorrow, I intend to read Ezekiel 25-27.
Is God seeking for a person to build a wall against evil today? Is He seeking someone to stand in the gap, to go against the flow? I think He is. Will He find one, or will we be destroyed, too?
Tomorrow, I intend to read Ezekiel 25-27.