The Floods and Fires of Life
If you find yourself sitting in a Consultation Room in a CCU, it is usually not a good situation. Last night as I sat with a wife who had just lost her husband of almost 60 years and her sons was one of those times of life. I asked the Lord what to say and how to pray for them, but the greater comfort came from knowing that God was there to walk with them through the flood and through the fire.(Isaiah 43:2) When we feel like we will be drown in the flood of emotions and burned by the fire of anguish, He is there. Even when we face physical floods and fires, He is there for us, as He was with the 3 Hebrew men in the fiery furnace. Remember, they were not even scorched by the fire. However, before the fire, they confidently confessed to the king that whether the Lord delivered them or not, they would not cease trusting Him. If it had been their time to die, the Lord would have whisked them away to be with Him. That is what happened to my dear friend in the CCU bed last night. Now, he is with the Lord, who loves him so much that He died for him.
Life is full of floods and fires. It is a part of being in this world. It is how the Lord refines our relationship with Him and how He prepares us to be with Him. The one thing we know for sure is that as we trust Him, He is with us, no matter what happens. Think back over your floods and fires. Was He with you? If you are His child He was. He never fails in His promises. Now, stop and realize there are more coming. Thank Him that you know He will walk with you through each one so that you are fully protected in this world or in the next.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Isaiah 46-49.
Life is full of floods and fires. It is a part of being in this world. It is how the Lord refines our relationship with Him and how He prepares us to be with Him. The one thing we know for sure is that as we trust Him, He is with us, no matter what happens. Think back over your floods and fires. Was He with you? If you are His child He was. He never fails in His promises. Now, stop and realize there are more coming. Thank Him that you know He will walk with you through each one so that you are fully protected in this world or in the next.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Isaiah 46-49.