What Do You Glory In?
We don't use the word glory much these days. When we do, we use it as a noun. We refer to heaven as "glory." We give God "glory," which means praise or honor. However, we very seldom use it as a verb. The reason is that we don't really know the meaning of the word in the Biblical sense. It means to be important or really special for some reason. The Greek word actually means "fat." That was because fat people were usually rich, important, and powerful people in those days. Therefore, when we say we glory in something, we mean we think it is important, or it makes us special. So what do you glory in?
Some people glory in their wisdom, their power, or their money. These things are very important to many people, but they are not the right things to glory in. They are temporary, and they do not really matter in the eternal scheme of things. God tells us to glory in something very different, when we do glory.(Jeremiah 9:24) God wants all of us to see what really is important and what does set us apart as people of importance in this world.
God tells us to glory in that we understand Him and we know Him. Just think of how few people of the 7 billion people in the world can really make that statement. He tells us to glory in that we know He is the Lord. We are to glory because we know He is faithful to His covenant which He made with us through Jesus Christ, when He saved us and adopted us as His child. We are to glory in His justice and righteousness, which He exercises in this world. In other words we are to glory in the Lord and not in ourselves. We do not have worth and importance except that we are made by Him in His image, and we have a relationship with Him that completes us, so that we are able to understand Him, to know Him, and to know how He works in this world.
Then, when we glory in Him, we are telling others what we found out when God saved us and changed us. We are sharing His Word, because we glory in it. We are sharing Christ, because He deserves all of the glory for dying for us. When we do these things we are showing those around us the futility of human wisdom, power, and riches. We are showing them what is important to God. Let's glory in the Lord, and let's see the world world filled with His glory, so everyone has the opportunity to be in glory forever with Him.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Jeremiah 11-14.