Besides Me There is No Savior
God is very clear about who He is. He has revealed Himself to us in His Word, so that we would be able to know His nature and His ways. Isaiah gave us a lot of insights that help us see God.(Isaiah 43:10,11) Let's think about a few of them briefly this morning.
God is a person, so we can know Him and have a relationship with Him. He has shown Himself to people throughout history, so once we believe in Him, we could be His witnesses to others, and they could come to know Him, too. This is one of our main responsibilities as believers.
God is eternal. There was no God before Him, and there will be no God after Him. By the very definition of God He must be eternal. If anything created God, that thing or person would be greater than God, so it or He would be God. God has always existed. That is hard for us to grasp, because we are temporal. However, He has within Himself the power of life, because He is life. When we come to know Him, we have Him in us, so we have that same eternal life from that point on.
God is the only savior. This is not a personal opinion. This is God's revelation of Himself. There are not many saviors in this world. There is one. That is how we see that Jesus is God, too. He is the Savior of the world. The Father told Isaiah that He was the only savior. This showed the people of Jesus' day that He was divine. Again, it is hard for us to understand, but it makes sense. The All-powerful God is able to become a man to save the people He created from sin, so He could be their Savior and have a love relationship with them. That is just who God is.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Isaiah 44-46.