Fools and Foolishness
David was inspired by God to give us a clear definition of what it means to be a fool and to be "foolish."(Psalm 53:1) A fool is a person who says in his own heart that there is no God, so foolishness is living and thinking like there is no God. This always leads to corruption, sin, and nothing that is good.
Of course, this applies to people who reject God and who claim to be intelligent. They are not smart and what they say is not right. They have a motive for rejecting God. They want to be free to sin, or they think that they appear more intelligent when they claim to be an atheist. However, their arguments don't hold water, and nothing good comes from their lives or their philosophy.
This also applies to people who are undecided about God and believers. Any time we live and think like there is no God, we are being a fool. This is true when we trust ourselves instead of trusting Him. It is true whenever we think we know the right way, but we are rejecting God's Word and God's way. I pray that we all will reject living and thinking like a fool. It never accomplishes anything good.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 55-57.