Obedience That God Blesses
Think of all of the Bible stories you know about people who obeyed God, and then, God blessed them in a great way. What were the characteristics of their obedience? Now, bring it one step closer to home. Think of people in history or people you know who have been blessed in a wonderful way for their obedience. What were the characteristics of their obedience? I believe there are common characteristics for the kind of obedience that God blesses greatly.
Abraham followed God to a country which God promised to give him, but of which God did not tell him the location before he left. Still, Abraham left immediately, even though he did not know where he was going to end up. He trusted that God would bless him, and God has been faithful just like He promised Abraham that He would be. (Genesis 12:1-3) Consider Jonathan attacking the Philistines, when the Israelite forces where vastly outnumbered and had no weapons except farm tools. He climbed a rock cliff with his armor bearer to attack the enemy. He killed 20 of the enemy, but because of his radical, immediate obedience, God gave them the victory over their enemies.
Think about Mary and Joseph and the Christmas story. Mary accepted the news of the virgin birth immediately upon hearing it from Gabriel, and she totally submitted herself to God as His hand-maid just as quickly. Joseph did the same thing as soon as he had the dream. He did not delay. He took Mary to be his wife, no matter what others would say. They were blessed to be the earthly parents of the Lord Jesus because of their radical, immediate obedience.
Today, I was told about the first missionary sent out by a group of Chinese house churches. The Lord called her at about midnight. The believers prayed for her, and took up a collection. Another lady volunteered to go with her. They both bought one way tickets to Myanmar, leaving the next morning and never coming home. God is blessing their work among the Burmese people, because of their obedience.
We should learn a lot from these examples. Lord, help us to practice radical, immediate obedience to you and your directions for us. We know it will result in glory for you and blessings upon us and those to whom we have the privilege of ministering.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I Timothy 5-6 and II Timothy 1-2.
Abraham followed God to a country which God promised to give him, but of which God did not tell him the location before he left. Still, Abraham left immediately, even though he did not know where he was going to end up. He trusted that God would bless him, and God has been faithful just like He promised Abraham that He would be. (Genesis 12:1-3) Consider Jonathan attacking the Philistines, when the Israelite forces where vastly outnumbered and had no weapons except farm tools. He climbed a rock cliff with his armor bearer to attack the enemy. He killed 20 of the enemy, but because of his radical, immediate obedience, God gave them the victory over their enemies.
Think about Mary and Joseph and the Christmas story. Mary accepted the news of the virgin birth immediately upon hearing it from Gabriel, and she totally submitted herself to God as His hand-maid just as quickly. Joseph did the same thing as soon as he had the dream. He did not delay. He took Mary to be his wife, no matter what others would say. They were blessed to be the earthly parents of the Lord Jesus because of their radical, immediate obedience.
Today, I was told about the first missionary sent out by a group of Chinese house churches. The Lord called her at about midnight. The believers prayed for her, and took up a collection. Another lady volunteered to go with her. They both bought one way tickets to Myanmar, leaving the next morning and never coming home. God is blessing their work among the Burmese people, because of their obedience.
We should learn a lot from these examples. Lord, help us to practice radical, immediate obedience to you and your directions for us. We know it will result in glory for you and blessings upon us and those to whom we have the privilege of ministering.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I Timothy 5-6 and II Timothy 1-2.