Following Jesus
I love to hear Henry Blackaby teach the Bible and share what God has shown him over the years. Once I heard him say that Jesus is not obligated to follow us around. The fact is we can walk away from Jesus. We can choose to go the wrong way. It is up to us to decide to follow Him.(Luke 9:23)
As I read what Jesus said in the New Testament, His emphasis was on trusting Him and following Him. He did not talk about being saved like we do. He spoke about being born again by the Spirit. His message of salvation was all about life change. We decide to trust Him, so that we do not go our way but His way, and we are forever changed, a new person by His power.
That is the message of Luke 9:23-24. We lose our life, and we have it saved by Him. We decide to follow Him by denying ourselves and dying to our desires. What a radical message, but it is Jesus' message to all of us.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Luke 10-12.
As I read what Jesus said in the New Testament, His emphasis was on trusting Him and following Him. He did not talk about being saved like we do. He spoke about being born again by the Spirit. His message of salvation was all about life change. We decide to trust Him, so that we do not go our way but His way, and we are forever changed, a new person by His power.
That is the message of Luke 9:23-24. We lose our life, and we have it saved by Him. We decide to follow Him by denying ourselves and dying to our desires. What a radical message, but it is Jesus' message to all of us.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Luke 10-12.