I Wonder?
I performed another funeral service this afternoon. I wonder how many I have done in the last 35 year? It could be over 250. Each time I have tried to make it personal, so the family and friends could remember their loved one fondly. As much as possible, I have tried to give a positive message of hope that would be a comfort to the family. I hope I have accomplished God's will in that way.
In each funeral that I have done over the years, I have made sure to present the gospel in a clear and relevant way. I wonder how many people heard the simple truth of the gospel for the only time in their lives at one of those services? There are so many people who come to a funeral, because they are neighbors or business associates of the family members or the person who died. Many of them may never have gone to a regular Christian worship service where the gospel was presented clearly.
After funeral services some people leave, and some go to the cemetery for the graveside. I have had many people tell me they appreciated the message I delivered, but I wonder if anyone ever trusted Christ because of what they heard at one of those services? To my knowledge I never had anyone come and tell me that, if they did. I hope that doesn't mean that I did not communicate the gospel well.
I wonder how many people will stand before the Lord Jesus as He reviews their lives with them, and He will point out how many times they heard the gospel at funerals, but they never trusted Christ as Lord and Savior of their lives? I wonder how many excuses they will give for not listening and responding? What a sad situation that underscores why all Christians need to be more passionate and consistent about sharing the gospel with our friends and family.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Isaiah 6-8.
In each funeral that I have done over the years, I have made sure to present the gospel in a clear and relevant way. I wonder how many people heard the simple truth of the gospel for the only time in their lives at one of those services? There are so many people who come to a funeral, because they are neighbors or business associates of the family members or the person who died. Many of them may never have gone to a regular Christian worship service where the gospel was presented clearly.
After funeral services some people leave, and some go to the cemetery for the graveside. I have had many people tell me they appreciated the message I delivered, but I wonder if anyone ever trusted Christ because of what they heard at one of those services? To my knowledge I never had anyone come and tell me that, if they did. I hope that doesn't mean that I did not communicate the gospel well.
I wonder how many people will stand before the Lord Jesus as He reviews their lives with them, and He will point out how many times they heard the gospel at funerals, but they never trusted Christ as Lord and Savior of their lives? I wonder how many excuses they will give for not listening and responding? What a sad situation that underscores why all Christians need to be more passionate and consistent about sharing the gospel with our friends and family.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Isaiah 6-8.