I learned a new word today. That doesn't happen very often at this point in my life. However, it was not just a new word; it was a new concept for doing God's work, too. Orality means learning from the spoken word, instead of the written word. I knew about auditory learning, and I knew about teaching people through stories, because they are not literate. The thing I did not consider was that the new video generation is really more suited to learn by hearing than by reading. Then, when you add the people who are functionally illiterate in our society, it means that most of our people are in this category. That was amazing to me.
One of the speakers at our conference was a researcher. He had the demographic data for the Atlanta area. According to his work 62% of people in Atlanta are either illiterate or functionally illiterate. I had no idea it would be that high of a percentage of the population. Then, when I considered the younger people who are mainly video learners and those who do not like to read, I came to the conclusion that it must be 75% of the people who need to be taught in a more oral way. They are not going to get it by reading. I could see that in Africa, but in Atlanta? I do believe he is correct, though. I think that is why we have so much trouble getting people to learn and grow with our traditional methods of teaching.
I am so glad that the Lord showed me this reality in a new way. I had thought about using more video, but I had not thought about using the oral teaching methods for that reason. Now, I have to really consider how to teach and preach God's Word, and how to disciple people in this way. In my mind we must do whatever it takes on the mission field and at home to make disciples. It is the main thing.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I Samuel 15-17.
One of the speakers at our conference was a researcher. He had the demographic data for the Atlanta area. According to his work 62% of people in Atlanta are either illiterate or functionally illiterate. I had no idea it would be that high of a percentage of the population. Then, when I considered the younger people who are mainly video learners and those who do not like to read, I came to the conclusion that it must be 75% of the people who need to be taught in a more oral way. They are not going to get it by reading. I could see that in Africa, but in Atlanta? I do believe he is correct, though. I think that is why we have so much trouble getting people to learn and grow with our traditional methods of teaching.
I am so glad that the Lord showed me this reality in a new way. I had thought about using more video, but I had not thought about using the oral teaching methods for that reason. Now, I have to really consider how to teach and preach God's Word, and how to disciple people in this way. In my mind we must do whatever it takes on the mission field and at home to make disciples. It is the main thing.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I Samuel 15-17.