Preparing For Christmas

There is a lot said about Christmas being about Jesus coming to be our Savior. That is so true. He is the reason for Christmas. Many times we hear people say things like "Wise men still seek Him," or "There is room in my heart for Jesus." Those truths are wonderful and true. Truly wise people do seek the Lord today, as well as the Wise Men who sought Jesus after His birth. There may not have been room in the inn for Mary and Joseph to bring Jesus into the world, but we can and should find a place for Him in our hearts. I know you all know what I am talking about.

However, as I spoke to our academy students this morning for chapel, I reminded them of something we don't usually think about at Christmas. God sent John, the Baptist, to prepare the way for the Messiah by calling people to repent of their sins. Why did God do it that way? It is simple. Sin spoils our ability to see and to know Christ as Lord and Savior. If we don't repent of sin, we remain in the darkness of selfishness and pride. We are apt to miss Jesus like King Herod and many of the Jews. Therefore, I called on our students to take some time to consider any sins they had in their lives and repent of them this Christmas, so they could really see Jesus.

I am sure that we are all busier than usual. We don't have time for all of the usual activities, because of the special things that are happening for Christmas. I still say that we ought to get to a quiet place and seek the Lord this Christmas. We ought to make sure that our hearts are clean for Him. The only way is to ask the Holy Spirit to show us any unconfessed sins, so we can confess them and repent. Then, we can celebrate Christmas truly. After all, Jesus came to save us from our sins, not in our sins.

Tomorrow, I intend to read Obadiah and Revelation 9.

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