A Passion for People

This morning as I read Romans 9:3, I was struck by Paul's passion for his people, the Jews. He said that he could wish that he was accursed and separated from Christ for their sake so they would come to Christ. That was the level of his unselfish love for them. He did not say that he had asked God to trade his soul for his people, because he knew that was impossible. He said that he "could" wish that. His passion for them was so strong that he could make that wish, and it would be genuine.

This gives us an insight into Paul's success at spreading the gospel. He was willing to be jailed, beaten, shipwrecked, and even stoned, because of his sincere passion to see people come to Christ. His passion kept him from giving up, and it caused him to do whatever it took to get the job done.

I pray that we, as American Christians, would have the same passion to see our fellow Americans come to know Christ. What if all of us had the same unselfish passion for people that Paul had? It could and it would transform our nation. I believe we are called to have that kind of passion and to be "missionaries to those around us. We are not to simply reach the easy ones or just invite people to church. We are to go to whatever lengths necessary to show the love of Jesus and the gospel of Jesus to them.

Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 74-76 and Romans 9:16-33.

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