35 Years Ago
It has been 35 years since I was ordained back in October of 1974. That makes me feel very old, but it also humbles me to think that God called me when I was 17 years old, and He has been using me all of these years. I give Him all of the credit. I know so many men who have left the ministry over those years. God has protected me, and He has blessed me and my family.
I was married on August 18, 1974. At that time I was attending Baylor University in Waco, Texas. I was the Youth and Music Director part time at the Downsville Baptist Church about 10 miles south of Baylor. I had come to Texas in August of 1973 knowing no one, and in about 6 weeks God led me to have that ministry at that church. It was a wonderful blessing for me. I was not much of a musician, but God took care of that, too.
Then, after our wedding, I asked the pastor, Bro. Latimer, if he would consider ordaining me to the ministry. He said he would set it up for the last Sunday evening in October. We were having revival services that day, so the evangelist was there. Then, my best friend, Jim Lingerfelt, and his father-in-law, Rev. Albert Mulkey, drove all the way from Georgia to be there, too. That was a great blessing for me. Bro. Mulkey was the pastor who preformed our wedding, and he let me preach many times in his church, Fork Creek Baptist Church on Panthersville Road in Ellenwood. We had a great service. Bro. Mulkey preached, and they laid their hands on me to set me apart to God's ministry. There was no turning back after that.
I am glad the Lord called me to be a pastor. It has not been easy, but it is what He designed me to do. I could not be happy doing anything else. I want to continue to serve Him for another 35 years, if He will allow me to do so. All of the glory goes to the Lord.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I Chronicles 4-6 and John 6:1-21.
I was married on August 18, 1974. At that time I was attending Baylor University in Waco, Texas. I was the Youth and Music Director part time at the Downsville Baptist Church about 10 miles south of Baylor. I had come to Texas in August of 1973 knowing no one, and in about 6 weeks God led me to have that ministry at that church. It was a wonderful blessing for me. I was not much of a musician, but God took care of that, too.
Then, after our wedding, I asked the pastor, Bro. Latimer, if he would consider ordaining me to the ministry. He said he would set it up for the last Sunday evening in October. We were having revival services that day, so the evangelist was there. Then, my best friend, Jim Lingerfelt, and his father-in-law, Rev. Albert Mulkey, drove all the way from Georgia to be there, too. That was a great blessing for me. Bro. Mulkey was the pastor who preformed our wedding, and he let me preach many times in his church, Fork Creek Baptist Church on Panthersville Road in Ellenwood. We had a great service. Bro. Mulkey preached, and they laid their hands on me to set me apart to God's ministry. There was no turning back after that.
I am glad the Lord called me to be a pastor. It has not been easy, but it is what He designed me to do. I could not be happy doing anything else. I want to continue to serve Him for another 35 years, if He will allow me to do so. All of the glory goes to the Lord.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I Chronicles 4-6 and John 6:1-21.