Learning the Truth

We are having a short Biblical Creation Conference this week with Dr. Grady McMurtry. It has been exceptional in presenting the truths of God's Word and how they are validated by real science. The problem is that people don't know God's Word, and they do not have the real scientific facts. Therefore, they think that evolution is true. That is a tragedy for several reasons.

If all of the Bible is not true, how do we know which parts are true? Adrian Rogers used to say, "If it is not absolute, it is obsolete." That is so true. The Bible is the inerrant Word of God on every subject it presents, and every detail is correct. If not, we can't know that Jesus is really the Lord and Savior of the universe. Dr. McMurtry say the bible is "hyper-accurate" or "hyper-true." God does not just give us the facts, He gives us the complete truth, if we will read it and know it.

This ought to make all of us want to know the whole counsel of God's Word. I pray that each of us will apply ourselves to know God's Word, and then apply God's Word to our lives.

Tomorrow, I intend to read Exodus 9-11 and Matthew 15:21-39.

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