Thanks, Love, and Faith at Christmas

We had our Christmas Eve Candlelight service tonight, as usual. This year I shared a short message to help us all see what we should do for Christmas. We should be thankful for God's loving plan to send His Son to save us from our sins. It is the most wonderful truth in the whole universe that God would love us so much to come down and to pay the price to save us. Therefore, thankfulness should fill our hearts at Christmas. Then, love should fill our hearts, because Jesus showed us the greatest love by being willing to come into this world as a servant and to die the worst death for us. He did it all out of love, and we owe Him our highest love, more than any person or thing in the world. Finally, it is not enough just to be thankful and to love Jesus if it is not accompanied by faith in Him. He gave Himself for us completely, and we should give our lives completely to Him in faith. So you see, Christmas should be all about thanking Jesus, loving Jesus, and trusting Jesus. I pray that each of us will spend some time tomorrow expressing these things to Him. As I told the folks who were there tonight, if you can't bring yourself to do any of those things, I would love to help you come to the point that you can. Please, let me know, and I will do what I can to help you come to know and to love the Lord of Lords, Jesus.

Tomorrow, I intend to read Zephaniah and Revelation 16.

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