A Bag With Holes

This morning I read the book of Haggai as part of my Bible reading. The prophet Haggai was urging the people of Israel to finish the Temple, and he was trying to show them how bad it was to forget the Temple and the things of God, while living well themselves. They were living in nice homes, but the Temple was in terrible condition. They were being selfish and even self-indulgent. Then, they did not have anything left for the Lord and His work.

This made God very angry, and He told Haggai to tell them that He was going to take away their money. Even when they made money, it would be like putting it in a bag with holes. The money would disappear, and they would not know where it went. In fact, the same was true for their crops. They would plant a lot of seeds, but they would not get much to eat. God would make sure they were not satisfied by what they had, because they were neglecting what was really important. Haggai promised them that this condition would continue until they put the Lord first. Then, God would bless them, again.

This is a very appropriate message for Christmas. How many believers get to Christmas, and they do not have enough money for gifts, so they charge them? How many Christians have plenty for their gifts, but they leave off their tithes, and they do not have enough for missions? There are many people in that situation. It is a heart matter. It is a matter of priorities. God knows our hearts, and He sees our priorities. He can't bless us when we forget Him and take care of ourselves. I urge each of you to set your priorities and put God first. Give the tithe first. Make missions as important as the other gifts or even more important. After all, it is all God's money. Why should He bless it, if you are going to spend it on things that do not please, Him? However, if we do please Him in our giving, He is able to take what we have and multiply it, so that it grows, instead of falling out of the holes in the bag.

Tomorrow, I intend to read Zechariah 1-4 and Revelation 18.

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