Praying for the President and the USA

The Bible is very clear in commanding us, as believers, to pray for the leaders of our country.(I Timothy 2:2) How often do you pray for the President and for the other leaders of our country? Isn't that an urgent matter considering the condition of our country?

I think there are some people who find it very hard to pray for a president with whom they disagree. If they do pray for him, they do so in a less than enthusiastic way. Why is that? Do we believe that God can change hearts or not? Do we believe that God can work miracles or not? I do believe that we should pray just as fervently and enthusiastically for a president with whom we disagree. After all, Jesus told us to love our enemies and to pray for them. I believe we are to pray for their salvation, their reconciliation, and their well-being.

There are some people who will be very upset with Rick Warren for praying at the inauguration of Barack Obama. I was taken back when I first heard about it, too. However, even if he is being used politically, we can know some things for sure about the prayer of Rick Warren on that day. It will be the fervent prayer of a righteous man, so it can accomplish much. It is not so much about politics as the power of Almighty God to bless our country. It will be delivered by a true believer who has given his life to see thousands of people saved by the grace of God. Therefore, who would you rather have praying for Barack Obama and the USA on Inauguration Day 2009?

Tomorrow, I intend to read Obadiah and Revelation 9.

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