Powerful or Powerless

Life is made up of many events and circumstances. It has a lot to do with relationships. Many times we wish we could control all of those situations and relationships, but that is impossible. Therefore, we have to decide if we can still be happy and fulfilled when things don't go the way we want them to go.

One of those things is our health. I came down with a cold today. I did every cold treatment I could think of for the last several days, but I was powerless to keep from catching a cold. Am I going to let that make me upset? No, I will not let it upset me. I realize it is one of those things over which I have no power. However, I have all power over my attitude. Therefore, I can go on without being upset over this cold.

Then, there are the people to whom I have the privilege of being able to minister. They have a variety of needs. Some need to be saved from their sin. Some need encouragement. Others need the truth. If I am prayed up, and I have been spending my time with the Lord and my time in His Word, I will have the power to help them by the power of the Spirit. However, at the same time I have virtually no power over whether they receive what I have to say to them, since God gives each person a free will, and He will not violate that will, and I can't determine what they will do, either good or bad. Am I going to let that ruin my life? No, I will not let that ruin my life, because I know when I am powerful and when I am powerless.

Tomorrow, I intend to read Jonah and Revelation 10.

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