Believers and Bigotry

One of the hardest things for me to understand is how a believer can be a bigot. I am not sure of the technical definition of a bigot, so let me tell you what I mean. I mean a person who is against another race of people, so much that he or she hates them. How could a believer have that mindset?

I guess there is a disconnect in their logic. They do not consider that Jesus loves the whole world, which is all of the people groups, and He died for all of them because of His love. Therefore, how does it ever make sense for us, as believers, to hate another people group? I don't think it does.

This morning I read the book of Jonah. Do you realize that is the reason the book of Jonah was written? Jonah as a bigot toward the Ninevites, and the whole book is to show all peoples of all times how wrong that is. In the end Jonah cares more for a gourd and himself than the Ninevites. I wish Jonah was the only person who ever had this sin, but he wasn't. That is why God included his story in the Bible.

I urge each of you to search your hearts for this sin. If it is there, confess it and repent of it. God can then use you in a whole new way, because you will have the chance to have the love of Jesus for everyone. That is the only way to live.

Tomorrow, I intend to read Micah 1-3 and Revelation 11.

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