God's Blessing

It has been a great experience since we moved into our new worship center. I am thankful for what God has been doing to draw people to our church in the past two months. It seems like each week there is a new family or a new family member who comes to worship with us. I am sure the people are inviting others to come, and God is drawing others through our Academy and even our Good News Club. It is wonderful. In fact, in our reports for our conference I noticed that for the month of October we averaged 45 more people in worship than we did in September. I know that average was up because of our Dedication Service in October. However, today we had our October average in worship, so it is holding up and growing.

Now, why I am talking about numbers? It is not for pride or boasting. It is because each number represents a person, whom Jesus loves. I want our church to love the people around us so much that we will be intentional about bringing them to Jesus. It takes a lot of people a long time to make up their minds these days, because people are skeptical of church and Christianity. Therefore, if we can make people feel comfortable as they join us for worship, the Lord will eventually get through to them. That is why it is so exciting for me to see God's blessing. Please, keep praying for Him to continue to bless our church and our times of worship together.

Tomorrow, I intend to read Ezekiel 5-7 and Hebrews 12.

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