Walking or Running Down Streets of Gold
Yesterday, I went to the Walk for Child Evangelism Fellowship in Stockbridge, before I went to the volunteer training for the Pregnancy Resource Center. While I was there, I ran into a friend and a prayer partner, Steve Murrell, pastor of First Baptist Church in Stockbridge. We pray together on Mondays and usually we are able to eat lunch afterward. He had told me that his mother's health was failing fast, and yesterday, he said that it was just a matter of days until she went to be with the Lord. I sensed the emotion in his voice, and I assured him of my continued prayers. Then, I shared with him that April 20 was the day my sister, Jan, died in 1982. My comment about Jan seemed to communicate more than words could say. I believe he knew that I was saying that I knew a little about his pain and that God would see him through as He has comforted me these past 26 years.
The greatest comfort comes when we can know that our loved one is in Heaven with the Lord. We should be happy for them, even though we miss being with them now. We should look forward to being there with the Lord and them for eternity. Our loved ones are not suffering, and they have need of nothing. Jan is running on those streets of gold. She couldn't run much here, but she can run all she wants now. Think of the difference. She runs for fun on streets of gold. I and others have to hit the pavement in an effort to keep this body healthy for a few more years, so we can serve the Lord in this world. She gets to see Jesus face to face while we worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. I still think she is doing just fine. What do you think?
Tomorrow, I intend to read II Samuel 12-13 and Luke 16.
The greatest comfort comes when we can know that our loved one is in Heaven with the Lord. We should be happy for them, even though we miss being with them now. We should look forward to being there with the Lord and them for eternity. Our loved ones are not suffering, and they have need of nothing. Jan is running on those streets of gold. She couldn't run much here, but she can run all she wants now. Think of the difference. She runs for fun on streets of gold. I and others have to hit the pavement in an effort to keep this body healthy for a few more years, so we can serve the Lord in this world. She gets to see Jesus face to face while we worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. I still think she is doing just fine. What do you think?
Tomorrow, I intend to read II Samuel 12-13 and Luke 16.