Body, Soul, and Spirit
God made each of us in such a marvelous way. We are a perfect combination of body, soul, and spirit. Most people don't ever give a thought to our complex nature, and I believe, it causes them a lot of trouble in life.
We may be right with God, because we have trusted Christ as Lord and Savior, so that our spirit is inhabited by God's Spirit, but that does not cure all of our ills. We need to learn how to turn over our soul and body to Him, too. Our soul is our mind, will, and emotions. If we never get those under the influence of the Spirit, we will constantly have problems. Also, we must give our bodies to Him, so that we use our bodies for the right things. If we don't, we will suffer the consequences.
Have you ever noticed that when you get very tired it effects you spiritually? It has a radical effect. I think many people are not right spiritually, because they are always fatigued physically. If they would get in shape and get good rest, it would revolutionize their spiritual lives. Also, if your mind is not renewed by God's Word, and your will is not controlled by the Spirit, or your emotions are not remade according to the fruit of the Spirit, you will constantly be tempted to sin, and many times you will give in because of physical desires or feelings. It is all connected.
I caught myself getting too tired today, because I went too long between meals. I was feeling badly physically, and that is when Satan decided to attack me. He knows when we are weak. I am so glad that I knew just what to do. I told him to get away, and I drew near to God. I also ate some food, and I got a little rest. All of those things were needed to remedy the situation. I pray that this will help all of us live more like Christ every day.
Tomorrow, I intend to read II Samuel 19-20 and Luke 18:1-23.
We may be right with God, because we have trusted Christ as Lord and Savior, so that our spirit is inhabited by God's Spirit, but that does not cure all of our ills. We need to learn how to turn over our soul and body to Him, too. Our soul is our mind, will, and emotions. If we never get those under the influence of the Spirit, we will constantly have problems. Also, we must give our bodies to Him, so that we use our bodies for the right things. If we don't, we will suffer the consequences.
Have you ever noticed that when you get very tired it effects you spiritually? It has a radical effect. I think many people are not right spiritually, because they are always fatigued physically. If they would get in shape and get good rest, it would revolutionize their spiritual lives. Also, if your mind is not renewed by God's Word, and your will is not controlled by the Spirit, or your emotions are not remade according to the fruit of the Spirit, you will constantly be tempted to sin, and many times you will give in because of physical desires or feelings. It is all connected.
I caught myself getting too tired today, because I went too long between meals. I was feeling badly physically, and that is when Satan decided to attack me. He knows when we are weak. I am so glad that I knew just what to do. I told him to get away, and I drew near to God. I also ate some food, and I got a little rest. All of those things were needed to remedy the situation. I pray that this will help all of us live more like Christ every day.
Tomorrow, I intend to read II Samuel 19-20 and Luke 18:1-23.