A Committed Young Man
Tonight, just as we were about to start our adult prayer time, a teenage young man came to the door and asked where the Wednesday worship service was held. I walked him over to the worship Center as we introduced ourselves. He told me that he had come to the Strength Team crusade, and he decided to come to NHBC for Wednesday youth worship, because he could not always go to church on Sundays. I was very impressed with his resolve to follow the Lord. It caused me to remember myself at that age and my desire to do God's will by myself, no matter what anyone else did. It was so wonderful to see his commitment. I wonder how many more people we will find who have made similar commitments as we follow up on the decisions from that crusade? I pray that it will be a huge majority of those who came forward to take a stand for Christ as Savior and Lord.
I pray that these new believers will find the church family to be good examples of commitment to them. I pray that we will not throw cold water on their enthusiasm, but we will help to stoke the fires of the Spirit in their hearts. Will you join me in this effort to reach out to these folks, young and old? I believe God is waiting to see how much we really care.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Joshua 4-6 and Luke 1:1-20.
I pray that these new believers will find the church family to be good examples of commitment to them. I pray that we will not throw cold water on their enthusiasm, but we will help to stoke the fires of the Spirit in their hearts. Will you join me in this effort to reach out to these folks, young and old? I believe God is waiting to see how much we really care.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Joshua 4-6 and Luke 1:1-20.