The Wrong Way to Live

There are a variety of philosophies by which people live. It would be impossible to name them all. Some people live by atheist philosophy. Others live by a communist or Marxist philosophy. Then, there are those who follow a particular person, like Sigmund Freud. The majority of people in the world go by a philosophy of relativism. It could be the worst of all.

God warned His people about relativism a long time ago. (Deuteronomy 12:8) He told them not to do as the people were doing in the time of Moses where every person was doing what was right in their own eyes. God knows that we are so flawed by our sins that we can't discern what is right and wrong on our own. We have to go by God's absolute truth. That is why His Word, the Bible, is so specific and gives us all the details we need for life.

We see this around us all of the time today. People think they know themselves better than the God who made them knows them, so they can change who they are. They think they can go against nature and live in a way that is against nature, and they will be happy. None of this works, because we as human beings are so limited in our understanding. We can't just do what is right in our own eyes and expect things to go well.

The best way to live is to follow the absolute truth that God has revealed to us. God's way is always the best way. In order to do this we have to submit to God and admit that He is Lord. We have to follow Jesus as Lord of our lives, and go by what the Holy Spirit shows us from God's Word. Then, we can know we are doing God's will in every situation. Therefore, let's stay away from any form of relativism.


Tomorrow, I intend to read Deuteronomy 15-17.  

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