Direct Disobedience
I am sure that all of us have been directly disobedient to something we knew was wrong before we did it. As children and teenagers, we went against what our parents told us or what our teachers required. Even as adults, we decide we want to do things our way, or we know better than the authorities, so we break the laws and rules. This is especially troublesome for us, as believers, since God has made His way so plain for us in the Bible.
Solomon is the perfect example. He chose to go directly against the law of God for kings. (Deuteronomy 17:18,19) God had said hundreds of years before Solomon's time that kings were not to multiply wives who would turn them from the Lord or multiply silver and gold for themselves. Solomon knew this because he had written a copy of the law in a book for his personal use. What a blatant sin!
God punished Solomon for his sin, and He tore the kingdom apart when Solomon died. We need to watch out because we could be guilty of the same sin. How many of us knew what the Bible says about adultery, but yet, we went ahead and committed that sin? What about the sin of coveting? It is in the 10 Commandments, but many believers are jealous of others who have more than they have, so they are trying get what others have.
I could go on and on. The Bible is full of commands that we all have heard since we were children. We know we are not supposed "to forsake the assembling of ourselves together," but many believers never darken the doors of a church. We know we are to make disciples, but we never make any effort to influence others to trust Jesus. We need to beware. God will always punish sin, but He especially punishes direct disobedience.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Deuteronomy 18-20.