Blaming Others for Our Sins
We have a huge problem as human beings. We don't want to take responsibility for the bad things we do. We want to blame our sins on other people or other factors in our environment. I am sure this is tied to having pride in our hearts. We think we are basically good people, so how could we be responsible for our sins. However, the truth is that we are all sinners and basically sinful, not basically good. We need to own up to that reality.
We see this happening in the Garden of Eden after the first sin on earth was committed. God came and confronted Adam about what had happened. (Genesis 3:12) Adam told the Lord that the woman He had given to be with him, gave him the fruit of the tree, and he ate it. Wow, what a refusal to accept responsibility for his actions! Let's consider what this means for us.
The first person that Adam blamed for his sin was really God. He pointed to the fact that God had given Him Eve, and she gave him the fruit to eat. We all are prone to blame God for our sins. We think that because of our circumstances which God has allowed or caused to happen, when we sinned, it was His fault. This is never true. God doesn't tempt any of us to sin in any way. (James 1:13)
Then, Adam blamed Eve for his sin. This was ridiculous because God told Adam not to eat that fruit before He even created Eve. Adam was the one who told Eve not to eat it, and He was head of his marriage. We are all like Adam. We are free moral agents who decide on our own what we will do and what we will not do, When we choose to do wrong, it is only our fault, not anyone else. Therefore, let's stop blaming others for our sins, and confess them to God, as we ask for His forgiveness.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Genesis 4-6.