The Changes in Heaven
Heaven is going to be a totally different place from this world in which we live now. Of course, the streets will be made of gold, and the gates will be made of pearl. It will not have any darkness because the glory of the Lord will shine all of the time. It will be so beautiful and comfortable for everyone there, as we have our own place to live and get to enjoy the beauty of God's home.
The beauty will be fantastic, but there are things about heaven that I will like even better than that. (Revelation 21:4) God will wipe away every tear from our eyes, and there will no longer be any death. There will no longer be any mourning or crying or pain, either. The first things will have passed away, and all things will be new. Hallelujah. God knows just how to bless us for eternity with Him.
There are so many things in this life that bring tears of sadness to our eyes. I think of the times we have had to move from one place to another and leave our dear friends behind. I also recall the hurt that comes from conflicts and broken relationships. There will be no more tears for those things or for losing a loved one to death. I long for that change when I get to heaven.
In fact, in heaven we will not even have any mourning of any kind. No one will be depressed. There will be no crying over problems or mistakes, and there will be no more pain. I believe that means physical or emotional pain. We will be living in a new order that is free from anything that brings discomfort. God has designed heaven to be a place of love, joy, and peace for all who are there all of the time. I pray that we all know Jesus as Lord and Savior, so we will all be ready to take our place in Heaven forever.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Genesis 1-3.