Being Hardened
There are certain substances which can be added to water and other soft materials to make them hard or solid. I am sure we have all seen cement. It is amazing to see the transformation that takes place when the powder is put into water. It produces a very hard rock when it dries. The same thing happens to our heart when we add the wrong things.
The Bible is very clear about the effect of sin on our heart and what we need to do about it. (Hebrews 3:13) We are exhorted to encourage one another every day, as we have opportunity, so that none of us will be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin. When we sin our heart becomes hard to the things of God. That is a terrible condition for us to be in.
Sin is deceitful. We think it will not hurt us. We think we can just sin a little, and it will just give us some pleasure. All of that is a lie. Sin always hurts us and causes us to be hardened to the things of God. Therefore, we must not give in to these deceitful temptations.
We need encouragement from other believers, so that we remember the effects of sin, and so we practice the spiritual disciplines which will keep our heart soft and able to hear from God. We must never allow ourselves or others to forget to abide in God's Word, to pray, and to worship as we are commanded. These and other spiritual disciplines will keep us soft and responsive to God.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Hebrews 4-6.