The Lord over the Nations
We talk about how God is the Lord, but I am not sure we think of the full ramifications of that reality. Yes, we know that He wants to be Lord over our lives. He wants us to trust Jesus as our Lord and Savior. Then, He is intimately involved in our life forever. However, do we really know that He is Lord of all people and nations? He is, and He can do whatever fits His perfect plan.
Ezekiel was given a prophecy about the king of Babylon and Pharaoh, king of Egypt. (Ezekiel 30:25) God declared that He would strengthen the arms of the king of Babylon, but the arms of Pharaoh would fail. Then, everyone would know that He is the Lord, when He put His sword into the hand of the king of Babylon and he reaches out with it against the land of Egypt.
Here is God working in the affairs of 2 pagan countries. Yes, God is at work in our world, even with the countries that do not follow Him at all. He has a plan to bring this world to His conclusion. Things do not just happen by chance. God is the Lord, and He is in control of what happens. This should give us, as believers, hope and assurance that God will take care of us.
We might be prone to be depressed because of a political situation in our country. We might think that things are hopeless. Things are never hopeless with God. He can and does work in the hearts of non-believers and believers to bring about His will. He can put His sword in the hand of a pagan to save the country, if He desires to do it that way. Please, don't give up. Pray and trust that God is working all around us to bring about His will.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Ezekiel 32-35.