Surrendering to God

 Most of the time we think that surrendering is a bad thing. Many times it means we have been defeated, and we had to give up against an enemy who had overcome us. After the surrender, the enemy is in control and can do with us whatever he desires. However, there is a positive way we should all surrender. We should all surrender to God when we see He is the All-powerful Lord of all.

Manasseh lived an evil life and led the people to do great evil. Then, the king of Assyria came and defeated his army and took him by hooks to Assyria. (II Chronicles 33:12) When Manasseh was in distress, he appeased the Lord his God and humbled himself greatly before the God of his fathers. After that surrender, God brought him back to Jerusalem by His grace.

It does us good to be broken before the Lord. We need to have experiences that teach us we can't do it on our own. God, in His great power, sends those experiences into our lives. Then, we have the choice to continue in our pride or to surrender to Him completely. 

When we surrender to God, we fully appease Him. We do whatever He asks of us. We do this in great humility, too. We admit our powerlessness, and we confess that God knows best. Understanding those two things, we say to God that we give in to His demands, and we do it joyfully. That kind of surrender brings the greatest blessing we can ever experience.


Tomorrow, I intend to read II Chronicles 34-36.

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