Unified Total Commitment

 Very seldom is there unity among a large group of people. We all have our own opinions and beliefs, so it is hard to bring everyone together to the same conviction about anything. However, unity is a very special condition when it is achieved, and from history we can see that great things can be accomplished by a unified group of committed people.

That is just what happened to the people of Israel when they gathered at Mt. Sinai and heard from the Lord, as He spoke from the mountain. (Exodus 19:8) Then, all the people answered together and said, "All that the Lord has spoken we will do." And Moses brought back the words of the people to the Lord. Oh, that we could see this happen in our families and in our churches today.

We must get to the place in our life where we decide to receive all that the Lord has said to us and to do it with all of our heart. That is an individual decision, but it should be the desire of every believer. If that was to happen, then every church would be unified totally to do all that the Bible says. Then, we could move forward together doing the will of God every day.

I want to challenge each of us, as believers to make this a matter of prayer. Let's pray that God would show us anything in His Word that we are not doing. Then, let's commit to doing it fully. Also, let's pray for our churches to come to the same conviction about God's Word and to pray for God to show them anything they are failing to do well. Then, let's go and do it together.


Tomorrow, I intend to read Exodus 20-22. 

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