Following the Crowd

 It is always dangerous to follow the crowd in making decisions on what to do or what to believe. The majority of the people in this world are disoriented to the ways of God, so they are constantly doing the wrong things and believing the wrong things. However, some people get drawn in by wanting to be accepted, and they go along anyway.

God's Word warns us about following the crowd. (Exodus 23:2) "You shall not follow the crowd in doing evil, nor shall you testify in a dispute so as to join together with a crowd in order to pervert justice." I would say that is pretty clear for us, now we just need to apply it in our own lives today.

We can do evil in two ways. We can fail to do the right thing, or we can choose to do the wrong thing. When we are conscious of what the crowd around us believes, and we let their beliefs shape our actions, often we will fail to speak up or to do the right thing for fear of being shunned or persecuted. That is just as much a sin as doing something wrong. It can even be worse.

If we, as Christians, follow the crowd, we will cease to be the salt and the light that this world needs to preserve the truth of the Lord and to share it with the people. If we do not fulfill our role that Jesus gave us, we are aiding in sending people to hell. Our silence could keep them from coming to the Lord. We must not allow that to happen to us or to them.


Tomorrow, I intend to read Exodus 26-28.

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