Freedom for Everyone
Can you stop to imagine how many slaves there are in the world? Just think of the terrible conditions in which they are forced to live. They have no freedom to pursue their dreams. They must do the bidding of their masters. Now, think about all of them being able to be set free. What a glorious thought!
That is just what has happened for all mankind. (I Timothy 2:6) Jesus paid the price to purchase the freedom of all people, and He did it at just the right time. Of course, we were all slaves of sin, in bondage to our master, Satan. However, Jesus gave us a way out.
Jesus was the perfect God/Man who was the Only One who could purchase our freedom. His payment was His blood and His life. His blood was needed for the remission of all our sins. He died in our place, since we deserved death because of our sins.
Once we realize this, we can choose to trust in Him as Lord and Savior. That act of faith is what He is looking for. Once He sees our true faith in Him, He sets us free to be all God designed us to be. Doing His will for us is the ultimate freedom from sin and ability to do live well forever.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I Timothy 3-6.