Because of His Mercy
Have you ever considered that Christmas is all about the mercy of God? Yes, it is about a baby being born in a stable, but it is the reason He was born that I am talking about. Jesus voluntarily came because of His great mercy. All people are sinners, and we all deserve to die and go to hell forever. Jesus came to save us from that terrible punishment.
Paul gave Titus a wonderful explanation of salvation from the perspective of mercy. (Titus 3:4,5) He told Titus and us that when God our Savior revealed His kindness and love, He saved us, not because of the righteous things we had done, but because of His mercy. He washed away our sins, giving us a new birth and new life through the Holy Spirit. How great is His mercy!
Jesus knew that none of us could ever do enough righteous things to be saved. He knew that none of us could ever be "good enough" to be forgiven of our sins. Therefore, He had mercy on us and came to give Himself a ransom for our sins. Then, when we turned from our sins and trusted Him, He gave us salvation.
Jesus washed all our sins away, even though we had committed all of them. That was done in mercy. He gave us a new birth, so we are new creations by His Holy Spirit. We deserved the old life, because of our sins and rebellion, but Jesus had mercy and did not punish us as much as we deserved. In fact, He made us clean and new. Praise Jesus for His mercy this Christmas!
Tomorrow, I intend to read Philemon and Hebrews 1-2.