Only by Faith

There are so many misconceptions about what it takes to be right with God. The vast majority of people believe that they are made right by being good or by doing good works. Others believe that they are made right with God by being baptized or joining a church. None of these ways are valid, because it is only by faith that we become right with God.

God inspired Paul to write a letter to the Christians in Rome, and he made this very clear to them and to us. (Romans 3:30) Paul explained that there is only one God, and He makes us right with Him only by faith, whether we are Jews or Gentiles. Salvation is by faith alone, not by works.

God knew that He could never be just in forgiving our sins unless the entire penalty for sin was paid in full. That is why God became man, in the Person of Jesus Christ. That way, Jesus was God and man, so He was able to take all of our sins upon Himself, and He was able to endure all of God's wrath for our sins. He died in our place, so we do not have to die in our sins, separated from God.

However, salvation is not automatic. We must choose to put our faith in Jesus alone for our forgiveness, knowing He paid it all for us. Once we turn from our sinful ways, and put our trust in Him as our Lord and Savior, God makes us right with Him, as a free gift to us. Something we could never earn or deserve.


Tomorrow, I intend to read Romans 4-6. 

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