Harmony is a beautiful thing. In music the harmony of different parts being sung or played together gives the song a much more complete sound. When there is harmony in a family, the love of the family members is enhanced by what the others contribute. The same is true for the church family, where harmony aids in God's will being done well.
Paul gave this admonition to the church at Rome and all the churches. (Romans 14:19) He said that we should aim for harmony in the church and try to build each other up. I am sure when that is accomplished it makes the Lord Jesus smile, so let's do our best to have harmony in the church.
Harmony in the church doesn't mean that we all agree on everything. It means that we agree on the essential doctrines of the faith, but we have our own convictions and our own ways of looking at the non-essential things. That way there is a rich diversity of people working together for the same purpose and having one heart to accomplish it.
It also means that we will be building each other up, instead of cutting each other down with gossip and harmful actions. The flesh will lead us to be selfish and to be proud, so that we think we are always right, and we should always get our way. When we have harmony, we seek God's will, not our own. We know it is God's will for us to love each other and help each other grow. So let's do it.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Romans 15-16 and I Corinthians 1.