His Witness
I enjoy telling others about what I have seen and heard. I have seen so many wonderful sights as I have traveled many places in the world. I have heard many inspiring messages in word and in song. It is great to be able to share these things with others, but those things are not the most important things for me to share.
The Risen Christ confronted Paul on the road to Damascus, and Paul put his trust in Him as Lord and Savior. When he went into Damascus Ananias, a faithful believer, was sent by God to instruct Paul. (Acts 22:15) Ananias said to Paul, "For you are to be His witness, telling everyone what you have seen and heard." All Christians have the same mandate.
We have a lot of silent Christians today, when it comes to talking with others about the Lord. They can talk on and on about all kinds of subjects, but they rarely, if ever, share with others about their relationship with Jesus. This silence is sin.
We may not know a lot of the Bible, and we may not be eloquent speakers, but once we are saved we have a relationship with Jesus. He speaks to us, like He did to Paul on the road. We have heard Him drawing us to salvation, and we have responded in faith. Now, we talk with Him all the time. He commands us to be His witnesses to everyone we meet by simply telling them what we have seen and heard.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Acts 23-25.